Can you feel the excitement mounting? We are T-11 days to our brand new herbal beauty product launch!
If you have been following us for any length of time, then you know We have been hard at work formulating a full line of all natural plant powered products.
It has been such a ride over this past year, working in development. I have learned so much and can not wait to share the benefits of these amazing products.

Be sure to mark you calendars for Nov 1st. And, I encourage you to get on our email list!! I can not stress this enough. I know, I know. Nobody wants to be bombarded with emails. I get it. I do not like it either. That is why you will not receive more than 1 email per week from us. As, of right now, it is more like 1 a month, haha but I am working on that. I just don’t want you to miss out on a really great early bird deal that is ONLY available to our tribe members. So, I’ll make it easy for you, enter your info right here.
Share this post and tell all your friends. ONLY 11 more days! This herbal beauty product launch will include a total of 5 products. Cleanser, toner, and daily moisturizer, as well as a hyaluronic acid serum with vitamin B5, and a vitamin C serum, with ferulic acid, vitamin E, hyaluronic and more. I’ve worked hard choosing top shelf ingredients that are all natural. So you can use them with confidence. I can not wait to share them you. Can you HEAR my EXCITEMENT?
And, as always, please let me know if you have any questions about our herbal bath products or services. You can contact us from the Contact Page here. We look forward to hearing from you and serving all your needs. Wholesale options are available. Learn more about our wholesale program here (just a note, the line sheet has not been updated for the new herbal beauty products. So, if you need info about them please message me. I will update after launch.
Learn more about our mission here. Join our Facebook VIP Wellness Group here